Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Heart of Gold

"His heart is perfect." Those words came directly out of the cardiologist's mouth today. And she was referring to my sweet Jack. Those words were music to my ears. He was born with a heart murmur and I was instructed by the NICU to take him at 6 months to see if it had resolved. And it has! It was a pretty interesting visit. They did an EKG on him where he had about 10 wires connected to his stomach and chest. At first he looked a little uncertain and then he started grinning and by time they were halfway thru, he was giggling so hard that all of the nurses were laughing as well. They then did an echocardiogram on him and he held the tech's hand the whole time she scanned him. I think she fell in love a little bit. She kept talking baby talk to him and calling him handsome and he ate it up. I always wonder how a small baby seems to know how to flirt! They all were in amazement that he is a triplet, because he is so big and healthy. He's in the 50th percentile for his weight and 97th percentile for his height. And that's against babies born full term. It was really nice, just getting out with Jack. It's so rare that I go anywhere and if I do, it's usually with all babies and big sis in tow and I cherish the moments I get one on one time with any of them. I realize how easy it is to just pack for one baby and go somewhere, but also know that unless you have multiples, even one seems tough at times. After the appointment Jack slept the entire way home and then another hour in his carseat after we got home. It's a lot for them, being that they don't get to go out much, and I think it wears them out. There's so many sights and sounds that are new to them. Plus, all that smiling and batting of his eyelashes was tiring! I'm glad that doctor's visit is over and even more glad that the results were so good. At times I worry, that with having four kids, that there is bound to be a problem with one of them, but God is good, and he blessed us with four healthy, happy children. They have taught me some important things in their short lives. To never take things for granted, nothing in life is guaranteed. To appreciate each day with them, regardless of how hard it is. And to have more patience than I ever thought I was capable of. Of course there are many, many other things, but those are some of the most important ones at the moment. "His heart is perfect." Our prayers were answered yet again.
Even happy at the doctor's office
Always smiling

My boy

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