Monday, January 16, 2012

What happened to 1-7??

Eight months!!! Holy cow. When did that happen?? I honestly can't believe my little bambinos are eight whole months old. I don't know why, but for some reason eight months seems so much closer to a year than seven months did. These babies have now been outside of my belly for as long as they were inside of it. And that eight months went by much slower than this. Though my husband may not agree with that. Let's see, who to start with? Let's go with Marissa. If this girl isn't walking pretty shortly, I'll be surprised. She crawls, sits, stands, cruises, climbs and is starting to get brave and let go of the couch for a short period of time. She's fiesty and determined. She is becoming very particular about who she likes. Sometimes she won't let anybody but mommy feed her (which doesn't exactly please mommy!). She takes a while to warm up to people she doesn't know, but once she does she will act as silly as she can with them and laugh and squeal and climb up them. She just does it on her own time. She is the most like Marley of the three of them. She LOVES taking bubble baths and if she has room, she will lay down on her belly in the tub and splash away. She now weighs 16 pounds and has two bottom teeth. Next up is Makayla. She is my tiny, sweet little girl. She looks so little at times, but don't let her size fool you. She can also sit, crawl, stand and is starting to take steps while holding onto the couch. She is still the biggest toy thief of the group and her poor brother is usually the victim. She is also all about mom and takes a while to warm up to people she doesn't know. She weighs 15 pounds and also has two bottom teeth. Last, but not least, is Jack. In one word, Jack would best be described as happy. He smiles throughout most of the day and usually it just takes me looking at him for him to bust out in giggles. He is very cuddly and loves to just be held and snuggled with. He can also sit and crawl. He has started to become more interested in getting around though and his sisters seem to influence him to follow after them. He now weighs 19 1/2 pounds and is atleast two inches taller than the girls. They have all really started playing with each other and entertaining each other. Makayla and Jack probably laugh together the most. Marissa is too busy trying to do new things and explore. Makayla will put a toy behind her head and Jack will laugh so hard at her so she will keep doing it to make him laugh. It's funny to see the things they do that the others find funny. One guaranteed way to have them all laughing hysterically is to put hats on them. I'm not sure why, but they think seeing each other in a hat is the funniest thing. They laugh so hard that they fall over. It is really so cute to watch. So, that is what is going on with the babies as they start this next month of their lives. I'm just doing my best to keep them happy and healthy and out of too much trouble. So far, so good.
Love this

They'd love to go around in just a diaper all of the time

Jack being Jack

One of the best inventions ever for multiples

Bath time!

My girls

Going on our walk

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