Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Rough Start!

2012 has not been easy so far. The babies have been so sick. They've had awful stomach bugs that have totally disrupted our daily routine, to say the least. In one day I changed atleast 9 outfits and 5 bedsheets. Yes, that was in ONE day. And this has been going on for a week now. Tonight they finally have their appetites back and that makes me so happy! One sick baby is tough, three is enough to make you go a little insane at times. My mom was also sick with this stomach bug so she wasn't even able to come help out. It's never a good sign when you walk in to get a baby out of bed from naptime and the room reeks of baby poop. And it's especially not good when after you remove one smelly baby from the room and you go back in to get the next baby and the room still reeks. Poor Marissa went so bad one day it went up her entire back, over her shoulders and down her belly. How the heck do you pick that up?? One good thing that came out of this, they all now bathe together in the big tub. And love it!!! They cry when I take them out. So now, when the evenings start to drag on a little too long, to the bath we will go! One of my resolutions was to get the babies (and me!) out of the house atleast once a week. If I think about it too much, it gets overwhelming, and we just don't go. Just to get the babies in and out of the car is a chore. The girls go in the way back of the van and to get them in, it's easiest to just lift them up thru the backdoor. Jack & Marley go in the middle row. But, to get the little girls out of the back, I have to take Jack out, remove his base, move that seat out of the way, then crawl in to get each girl. The type of carseat I have is already heavy, add on top of that a 15 lb baby and by time they are snapped in their strollers, I'm wishing someone could push me! Oh, did I mention that the kids and their limo stroller don't fit in the van at the same time? That means someone else has to bring that to wherever we are going. I told you it was work. But, we are going to start getting out. 7 months of home confinement (after 8 months of it during pregnancy) is enough. So, any of you other moms of multiples who are ready for the Boucher Three to crash your playdates, just let me know! Or of course, moms of singles too, I just don't want to scare anyone away too quickly. The next thing that has gotten pretty rough is the babies attachment to me. I've been thru this with Marley and I really didn't think the babies would be so bad about it since they've seen a lot more people in their short lives. Boy, was I wrong! I leave and they cry until I come back. And I don't just mean whimper. I mean red-faced, high-pitched, kicking and screaming fit until either I get back or they fall asleep. Times three. So, who wants to babysit??  All I can figure is that they are always with me. Even if someone else is here, I am too. At night if they wake up, it's usually me they see. In the morning, when they wake up, it's me. So, I guess they want me all of the time. Jack does the best but after 10 minutes of his sisters screaming, I guess he figures there's something to scream about and he joins in too. I know,I know, in time it'll pass. What's three more years of home confinement right? Marley is still doing fantastic. Her and I got to spend some quality time together last night which was great. I love that girl. She's as fun as they come. So, here's to hoping 2012 starts getting a little less smelly and a lot more fun.

Bath time

Ringing in the New Year

Watchin' fireworks

All smiles, all the time

Makayla learning about nature

Marissa seeing what's out there

Triplets at 7 months


  1. I feel your pain, If it's not their teeth, it's a bug, if not that, it's their reflux, now I think they just want to change schedules. Garren has only napped for a half hour the past two mornings, he takes a longer one in the afternoon. Caden & Kellan take a long nap in the morning & only a half hour in the afternoon. Kellan took a power nap this evening before dinner & then then they all were up until almost 9pm. I've had no break for almost 2 weeks now. I thought I was delirious when they were eating around the clock, I really can't keep a straight thought with one of them always awake during the day!!! Somethings gotta give soon...
    Oh & my dad & stepmom will be arriving this weekend (staying at my stepsisters an 1 1/2 hours away) & my sister & her family will be here Tuesday :) I'm so happy to have company, but afraid of what the boys routine will be like :/

  2. Its funny- I was just thinking tonight that I feel more worn out now than in the beginning. Maybe bc its been going on so long?? Or like you said, at any given time, theres atleast one baby up and when they are sick, they arent very happy. Atleast when they were newborns, they slept during the day a lot too. Maybe yours are getting ready to cut down to one (hopefully LONG) nap a day? I was trying to remember when Marley cut down to just one. I think by now and it was like a 3 hour nap most days.

  3. Mine are still in the NICU but I have a suggestion about the attachment thing (I worked as a behavioralist with abused and neglected kids). Play peek a boo. Seriously. Once the kids have mastered the blanket sort of peek a boo, play "you leave the room peek a boo" and work to extend the time you are out of their presence but always coming back to give reassurance. I know it sounds crazy but it may work at least on the short term for absences. Also, play it when other people are there so they can sort of build trust with them. Let me know if you try it and how it goes :).

  4. I will def give it a try. Thanks. Hope your girls are home soon!!!

  5. Jennifer you are welcome to come hang out with us anytime! I would love to meet you and your babies! I know I don't have triplets, but with twins + 2 more under 4 I can kind of feel your pain! I had a triple stroller at first and ended up selling it because it wouldn't fit in the car with the kids (something I didn't think about when I bought it!) and now my 2 year old just walks. But I can't imagine being in your situation where you don't have a choice! Do they make anything like a triple umbrella stroller that folds up smaller?? I hang out with some other twin mamas on Thursday mornings usually and you'll have to come join us because we can help you get them all out and you don't have to bring your stroller! I don't think we're meeting next week but I will send you a FB message next time we are!!
